* Photo editor canggih - Photo Editor Pro adalah editor yang kuat dengan banyak efek yang menakjubkan!
* A sangat komprehensif photo editor dan cukup banyak segala sesuatu yang Anda ingin lakukan pada ponsel Anda!
* Ada begitu banyak efek, stiker dan fitur untuk diterapkan ke foto Anda!
Fitur Utama:
+ Satu-tap otomatis meningkatkan
+ Efek foto cantik dan frame
+ Fun stiker
+ Keseimbangan Warna
+ Tanaman, memutar, dan meluruskan foto Anda
+ Menyesuaikan kecerahan, kontras, suhu warna, dan saturasi
+ Mempertajam dan blur
+ Suhu warna ("kehangatan")
+ Splash Color
+ Fokus (shift Tilt)
+ Menggambar dan menambahkan teks
+ Buat memes Anda sendiri
Catatan: gambar diedit disimpan dalam "file Manajer / DCIM / camera"
English Description:
* Photo Editor Pro is a powerful editor with many amazing effects!
* A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty much everything you could ever want to do on your phone!
* There are so many effects, stickers and features to apply to your photos!
Key Features:
+ One-tap auto enhance
+ Gorgeous photo effects and frames
+ Fun stickers
+ Color balance
+ Crop, rotate, and straighten your photo
+ Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature, and saturation
+ Sharpen and blur
+ Color temperature ("Warmth")
+ Color Splash
+ Focus (Tilt Shift)
+ Draw and add text
+ Create your own memes
+ Share to social network
Note: the edited image is saved in "File Manager/DCIM/Camera" or “\Sdcard\Camera”